California consistently has the highest number of sex trafficked victims in the United States,
and globally the U.S. is a principal offender, year after year.
Minors consistently make up 1/4 of all trafficked persons.
of victims were trafficked by family members, called “familial trafficking”
were trafficked by friends or neighbors, people familiar to the victim.
were trafficked by strangers.
Source: Polaris 2022
This is why at Wisdom International
is at the core of our work and of our passion as individuals. There are enough victims and survivors of human trafficking already. It’s time to end this crime before it begins.
Survivors tell us prevention education is essential to ending the recruitment of our children into trafficking, that if they had known what to watch for, they would not have been tricked, they would not have been trafficked.
We listen.
Years of research and ongoing development ensure the quality of our prevention education to help beat the “trafficker’s business plan” for catching teens.
The trafficker’s business plan is guided by DEMAND. If they feel they can sell your ‘body’, you are at risk of the recruitment, luring and grooming tactics of traffickers. Your ‘body’ is a piece of merchandise to them, nothing more. You are not a person, only a ‘body’ they can sell to make money. They do not care what you need to do to bring them money. A ‘piece of merchandise’ has no choice to say no. If you do not bring enough money, they send you out again or beat and threaten you if you resist. They replace your ‘body’ with another if the desires of DEMAND change or when it is no longer of use to them.