A buyer purchases a child’s body through a trafficker, who usually has a selection for the buyer to consider.
A buyer purchases a child’s body directly from the child when the child is most often on the streets and simply needs a meal, shelter, perhaps a warm pullover, all of which are considered by law to be “an exchange of something of value” to the child, making the encounter child sex trafficking.
This child may believe they are doing what is necessary for them to survive, performing out of their free will, believing it is a choice controlled by them that they are making, and one that seems to be the choice of lesser harm than that from which they have run. They do not see themselves as the victim of child sex trafficking that they are.
Education about the realities of trafficking for both the child and the buyer will help to end this devastatingly destructive cycle against our children
~2/3rds of the money earned by human traffickers is from sex trafficking.
To the trafficker, that person, that child, is not a person. They are an “It.” They are a body, not a human being; they are a piece of merchandise, to be branded with ownership tattoos, marketed and sold to the highest bidder.
To the buyer, regardless of the excuse offered if caught, that body is also an “It,” to be used for personal gain; then hushed, denied, discarded, and forgotten.
Meanwhile, the CSEC child, a human being, loses out in every way, regardless of any belief offered by either of the perpetrators. Excuses like these, “But she looked like she was having fun,” “But he was really into it, I could tell,” no longer stand up in court as a viable defense.
No perpetrator, neither trafficker nor buyer, thinks of the child as a victim. Even less if the victim is an adult who can legally consent to sex. This, however, purports the belief that an adult can always choose; who, where, what, when, how, how much. A belief, not a truth. And a child under the age of 18 cannot legally consent to sex so the element of choice simply does not apply. But do Buyers think of this? No victim caught in the triangle web of the trafficker, buyer, victim has the luxury of choice. Total control is exercised by the trafficker to meet every demand from the buyer to their satisfaction with all money pocketed by the trafficker for personal gain, then carefully portioned out to the entrapped child or adult as ‘business expenses’ with ever a watchful eye set on their next sale.
One final point: the average lifespan of a trafficked victim is seven years.
Raped 6 – 20 times a day?
Can’t believe it? Compare CSEC ‘supply’ with buyer ‘demand’.
CSEC Supply vs. Demand
No Data Found
Courtesy Alameda County H.E.A.T. Watch, 2016 multi-agency statistics. Important NOTE: buyer arrests have vastly improved from 2016 until now in 2021.
Far higher populations of buyers mean multiple daily rapes for each victim, just to service DEMAND.
Online purchasing for sex with a child peaks at 2:00 PM, in the middle of the working afternoon, after lunch. Encounters are often scheduled between 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM on the same day, between leaving work and arriving home to their families.
Buyers come from every demographic and look and dress like everyone else.
Anyone can be a buyer. A few examples are:
Neighbors, familiar people, boyfriend, girlfriend
Family, extended family
Professionals: Doctors, Lawyers, CEOs
Clergy: all faiths
Fellow students, fellow athletes
Law enforcement, first responders
Military personnel
Tourists: coming into the USA, traveling out to other countries
Both Male [as high as 99%] and Female
Found to be between 18 – 89 years of age
The Buyers of cheap goods are just one of the many root causes of labor exploitation.
DEMAND maintains the thriving, well-executed business of human trafficking.
starts with ending Demand.
Educating communities about the scope of Demand and the extreme harm caused by the perpetrators can help stem the tide of trauma in a child’s and an adult’s life.
Paying low wages, then charging exorbitant sums for food, housing and clothing; or paying no wages at all to keep costs of all kinds down to meet Consumer demand, means the robbing of wages and slavery for the hard-working bread winners of many families.
This is labor trafficking, and oftentimes includes sexual abuse and/or sex trafficking.
Open your eyes.
Behind the ‘fences’ of:
Confiscated documents
Language barriers
Belief this life is better
Need to provide for Family
Child labor practices
as we go happily about our lives.
The Root Cause of sex trafficking? DEMAND.
The engine – ENTITLEMENT
Entitlement fuels the buyer’s desire, less for sex, but for unquestionable power and control over what they can do to someone else, and to whom, when, where, how, and for how much they can do it.
This is sex trafficking, and it happens in-person and, to an astonishing and growing extent, online.
Open your eyes.
Secured by anonymity, for a brief moment in a buyer’s life, they have total control over another person.
Fear of retaliation keeps the victims chained to the Rules of the Game where power, money, and sex are a lethal combination.
But they are Strong
And they go on, and THEY SURVIVE… and then
Replacing Entitlement with Respect and Dignity for other human beings as normal and acceptable social behavior is needed.