Wisdom International regularly hosts our own and participates in other organization’s larger Community Events that are posted here. We share our expertise on prevention of the crime of human trafficking together with other experts in their specialty fields. We also list events open to the community undertaken for special groups. Prevention, Intervention, Restoration, and Prosecution: revealing the 4 cornerstones of ending human trafficking is the aim so that your communities know the importance of each.
A special thank you to the Elks Lodge #1108 in San Rafael and the Marin County Office of Education for their generous support in providing their venues for our larger community events!
We are currently preparing for “Missing The Mark” to be held in late May 2025.
Our Past Community Events:
2024.05.30 – “The Nexus Between Mental Health and Sex Trafficking” with Shared Hope International. This Zoom event comes to you during May as National Mental Health Awareness Month. We will hear the experiences of three women and how their own lives and their work with survivors are shaping who they are today. For each of them, a survivor who has found her voice, a specialist carving through trauma, and a grounding guiding presence in court, each has a unique story to tell. And we who listen begin to fathom the intricacies of harms endured as they dissolve into strengths and into the beauty of those who have overcome.
Insightful, inspirational, the raw truth, courageous; we know this event has touched the hearts of all who attended and will touch those who hear about it and the wisdom shared by our Speakers.
2024.03.15 – “Human Trafficking – In The Know” hosted by ESCOM SPOTLIGHT. The Emeritus Students College of Marin wants to be “in the know” about this crime that effects our global and local Marin communities. Join them with Wisdom International: Help2Others via Zoom.
It is always satisfying to educate our local community members of all ages and this event did just that. In the spirit of ‘passing on stories and traditions’ we look to our elder populations to be educated so they can, in turn, elucidate the minds of their younger family members. It’s the very best of sharing to teach and caring to protect.
2023.01.26 – Community event “Possibilities and Solutions to the Nexus Between Foster Care and Sex Trafficking” hosted by Wisdom International: Help2Others via Zoom. Our 2nd event on this topic, and like last year, dedicated entirely to continuing serious conversation about this nexus, bringing it out, telling the stories, facing these awful truths, and discussing what can be done to eliminate these experiences of the children in child welfare and foster care.
Another impactful event on this difficult area of sex trafficking. Speakers from the states of Georgia and California told us what they have seen, how they have helped, and what those children, now adults, are now doing. The more truths we hear, the more we are motivated to do what is necessary to make the changes these experts recommend. With our hearts on the children, those already in the system and those who will be, we can brighten their futures.
2022.01.27 – Community event “The Nexus Between Foster Care and Sex Trafficking” hosted by Wisdom International: Help2Others via Zoom, co-hosted by the Rotary Club of Terra Linda and the FBI SF Citizen’s Academy Alumni Association. A 1/2 day event dedicated entirely to initiating serious conversation about this nexus, to bring it out in the open and face it squarely so that we begin to shift the shocking scenario for the children in child welfare and foster care.
A highly productive event with Speakers from major stakeholders in this important arena of sex trafficking. We hope this will be the first of many events about the foster care system and how and where improvements can be made to protect the vulnerable children already in the system and those who will be.
2020.10.19 – “Reconozca las Señales del Tráfico Sexual Juvenil”, con la proyección de ELIGIDOS, presentada por CARON y San Mateo Human Trafficking Initiative vía Zoom, con la participación de Love Never Fails y Wisdom International: Help2Others. Este es un evento solo en español con todos los miembros de la comunidad, hispanohablantes u otros, invitados a asistir. Las proyecciones serán seguidas por preguntas y respuestas con expertos.
2020.10.19 – “Recognizing the Signs of Juvenile Sex Trafficking,” featuring a screening of ELIGIDOS, hosted by CARON and the San Mateo Human Trafficking Initiative via Zoom, with participation by Love Never Fails and Wisdom International: Help2Others. This is a Spanish-language-only event with all community members, Spanish-language or other, invited to attend. The screenings will be followed by Q&As with experts.
¡Sí, es posible prevenir el tráfico sexual antes de que ocurra! La historia de Brianna en esta película ELIGIDOS de Shared Hope International muestra claramente cómo se salvó de ser reclutada por los traficantes porque su exnovio reconoció las señales reveladoras del reclutamiento. ** ELIGIDOS también está disponible en inglés como CHOSEN. Comuníquese para obtener más información.
Yes, it is possible to prevent sex trafficking before it occurs! The story of Brianna in this film ELIGIDOS by Shared Hope International, clearly shows how she was saved from being recruited by traffickers because her ex-boyfriend recognized the tell-tale signs of recruitment. ** ELIGIDOS is also available in English as CHOSEN. Please reach out for more information.
2019.12.04 – KIQI Radio, Spanish-language Talk Radio, a phone Interview.
Continuing our KIQI Radio interviews for maximum impact, reaching 70,000 listeners during the week and about the same weekends, this was our 4th invitation for their “Friends talking with Friends” casual interview on sex and labor trafficking and how they affect our Bay Area Spanish-speaking communities. (Check out our other interview dates in 2016, 2017, and 2018.)
2019.03.23 – “Dare To Fight Back Against Human Trafficking,” an event by DDA Evanthia Pappas for the Community, Youth, and Adults at Dominican University, San Rafael, California.
Drawing over 300 participants, this event offered a superb variety of presenters and panelists, each speaking from their angle of expertise. Wisdom International: Help2Others continues to provide prevention education training at many events organized by other anti-trafficking organizations as well as by invitation to individual clubs, meetings, school classes and community gatherings.
2018.10.06 – “Protect Yourself and Your Community: INTERNET SAFETY,” a full workshop on the problem of sex trafficking via the internet by Shared Hope InternationalAmbassador as part of the 3rd annual WorldWideWomen “Girl’s Festival,” Santa Clara, California.
Shared Hope International Ambassadors continue our support of the WorldWideWomen at their 3rd annual Girl’s Festival through our workshops and resource tables. This workshop held maximum capacity for our allotted room. Drawing yearly 5000 participants to the Festival once again, we help empower girls of all ages, women and mothers, as well as their families, brothers, fathers and friends. (See 2016 and 2017 events below.)
2018.09.20 – “Protect Your Family from Sex Traffickers,” with the Sausalito Public Library and Shared Hope International Ambassador, Sausalito, California.
Training the local community on the signs of trafficking and recruitment, and what to do if they see or hear something.
2018.01.22 – KIQI Radio, Spanish-language Talk Radio, a phone Interview.
This time during National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, KIQI brought us back for their 70,000 listeners. Another Live-On-Air interview on human trafficking, how you can recognize it, and what to do when you see it in your community. So great to share this important information with so many. (Check out our other interview dates in 2016, 2017, and 2019.)
2017.10.01 – “Protecting Yourself and Your Community: Survival Tools Against Sex Traffickers and Internet Safety,” a workshop by Shared Hope InternationalAmbassador as part of the 2nd annual WorldWideWomen “Girl’s Festival,” Oakland, California.
Following an extremely successful inaugural event last year in 2016, the Girl’s Festival this year drew nearly 4000 participants over the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Empowering Girls of all ages remains the goal of this festival; and what better way to empower them than training them on what to watch for to avoid recruitment into sex trafficking. Shared Hope International Ambassador was again happy to support through our workshop and resource table. (See 2016 and 2018 events below and above.)
2017.09.12 – “Human Trafficking series, Part III,” with the Marin City Public Library and Shared Hope InternationalAmbassador, the third in a 3-Part Series on human trafficking prevention, Marin City, California.
The final episode of our 3-Part Series on human trafficking at the Marin City Public Library. We finished with a screening of Chosen Gang, the story of a young 12-year old girl, lured into a gang, trafficked for sex, and enduring all of the other harsh realities of gang life. (See 2017.07.25 and 2017.08.15 for Parts 1&2)
2017.08.15 – “I am Jane Doe – a film about Human Trafficking,” from 50 Eggs Films, with the Marin City Public Library and Shared Hope InternationalAmbassador, the second in a 3-Part Series on human trafficking prevention, Marin City, California.
Continuing our 3-Part Series at the Marin City Public Library with a screening of I am Jane Doe, the story of the struggle of sex trafficking survivors VS. Backpage.com, at the time one of the worlds largest online brothels openly selling children for sex. The injustice of the then current legislation is highlighted in this film. [Refer to our Legislation page for details on legislation passed since the end of this documentary, FOSTA-SESTA, that closed the loopholes used by Backpage.com preventing the prosecution of the owners and directors of Backpage.] (See 2017.07.25 and 2017.09.12 for Parts 1&3)
2017.07.25 – “Human Trafficking: The Problem and The Prevention,” with the Marin City Public Library and Shared Hope International Ambassador, the first in a 3-Part Series on human trafficking prevention, Marin City, California.
2017.03.17 – KIQI Radio, Spanish-language Talk Radio, a phone Interview.
KIQI Radio reaches 70,000 listeners during the week and about the same on weekends. This time it was a Live-On-Air casual “Friends talking with Friends” style interview on sex trafficking and labor trafficking, both of which are unfortunately big problems for our Spanish-speaking communities in the SF Bay Area. (Check out our other interview dates in 2016, 2018, and 2019.)
2017.01.19 – National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month – “Drug and Human Trafficking in Marin: The Surprising Truth and Our Community,” hosted by the Best Western Novato Oaks Inn with No Traffick Ahead, Shared Hope International Ambassador and Special Guest Speakers, Novato, California.
This event carried the weight of the Marin County Civil Grand Jury’s report on the hidden problem of trafficking in Marin and aimed to expose the signs of human trafficking, both labor and sex trafficking, within the hospitality industry. Unfortunately, we ran short on time, and I sincerely hope to be able to make this event up to those who came especially for the portions they missed. We deeply apologize.
2016.10.15 – “Protect Yourself and Your Community, Child Sex Trafficking in the USA – How Not to Get Caught,” a workshop by Shared Hope InternationalAmbassador as part of the inaugural WorldWideWomen Girl’s Festival, San Francisco, California.
Drawing nearly 5000 participants from over the San Francisco Bay, the aim of this daylong inaugural event wasto Empower Girls of all ages via mentoring opportunities, interactive workshops, educational resources and fun exhibits. Shared Hope International was extremely happy to participate through our workshop on human trafficking prevention education and our resource table. (See 2017.10.01 and 2018.10.06 events above.)
2016.02.11 – KIQI Radio, Spanish-language Talk Radio, a phone Interview.
KIQI Radio reaches 70,000 listeners during the week and about the same weekends. Being invited to speak about human trafficking and its prevention was just one of the outcomes of Wisdom International’s collaboration with the Consulate of Mexico presented earlier to Latino community Leaders. This KIQI interview was a recorded, casual “Friends talking with Friends” style program. Questions were both prepared and ad-lib covering sex and labor trafficking, immigration, and thoughts in general about these issues with great importance for our Bay Area Spanish-speaking communities. An excellent way to reach a very wide Latino audience. We need to do more of these… and we have! (Check out our Live-On-Air interviews in 2017, 2018, and 2019.)
2015.10.01 – “Stop The Traffic – Modern Slavery in the Bay Area and Beyond,” with the US National Committee for UN Women, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, San Francisco, California.
A gathering hosted by the United Nations Women bringing community and experts on human trafficking together for learning and discussion.
2015.02.09 – for National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month – “Examining Recruitment Tactics Luring Children into Sex Trafficking,” a film screening and panel discussion hosted by the Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking in collaboration with Shared Hope International and Special Guest Speakers, San Francisco, California.
This was our inaugural kick-off training for a Community gathering, extending our individual efforts by reaching out on a greater scale. Thank you to the Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking for your support and promotion. May this event be the first of many to come!
Would you like to make your community safer against this crime? We are ready to help.