We welcome you to become one of our dedicated Sponsors. Our Founder and President is happy to discuss your needs with you. Contact Laurel Botsford at laurel@wisdominternational.org or at Wisdom International: Help2Others, PO Box 854, Sausalito, CA 94966-0854.
As a non-profit organization we are grateful for your tax-deductible donations in support of our work.
Send to: Wisdom International: Help2Others PO Box 854, Sausalito, CA 94966-0854
Does your company have a philanthropic foundation they support? Please make sure they know about Wisdom International: Help2Others and our PREVENTION BEFORE HARM mission they can support.
Matching Donations
Does your employer have a matching gift program for charitable contributions made by their employees? Let them know about our work and ensure Wisdom International: Help2Others is added to their list of eligible 501(c)(3) charities.
Donate your Vehicle
You can also help prevent human trafficking by donating your vehicle and choosing Wisdom International: Help2Others as the beneficiary: Clunkers4Charity.org; Cars2ndChance.org