PO Box 854, Sausalito, CA 94966 info@wisdominternational.org 415-819-0417

To Prevent human trafficking before harm begins.

A world free from exploitation and slavery.



There are 4 core components to ending human trafficking:


Each is of equal importance.


is where ending human trafficking starts.

There are enough victims and survivors of human trafficking already, too many for current resources to handle.


we must do everything possible to prevent new people from becoming the next victims, protecting the vulnerable from ever experiencing the ravages of trafficking.

This is


PREVENTION will save on INTERVENTION to help assist the underage victim and others who reach out for help.

PREVENTION will save on RESTORATION and a lifetime of and care for deep trauma and mental and physical abuse.

PREVENTION will save on PROSECUTION and legal proceedings to gain justice for survivors.

Intervention, Restoration, and Prosecution must receive increased funding enabling them to meet current needs of survivors.

Funding Prevention will mean fewer new victims requiring any of these services.

For all types of trafficking, when children, youth, and adults are knowledgeable about the dangers, methods, tricks, and lies of spotters, recruiters, and traffickers, they are able to save themselves, their friends, and their families from ever experiencing being trafficked.

Until now, prevention efforts have been boldly shouldered by the “volunteer housewife” and law enforcement say they can’t do without us.

To support these essential grassroots efforts, prevention education needs to be internalized as 1 of 4 core components for ending human trafficking.

Too often in conversation, the word ‘prevention’ is missing when speaking of the work being done and to be done. We cite law enforcement, victim services, prosecution… Yes! And with them, we must always include Prevention. With a shift in mentality towards respect for the power and process of prevention, we will honor it as 1 of the 4.

And while valuing those who volunteer against this crime, funding Prevention will place it alongside all other efforts as an equal partner.

What does funding prevention look like?

Funding the development, delivery and updating of prevention education that matches the fast pace of change of this crime. The insertion of audience specific education as needed, be it students, parents, medical or law enforcement personnel, faith groups, or county offices working with youth. The ever-important outreach to new audiences. The bringing of up-to-date education to those who have been educated long before. All of which lead to Prevention Before Harm.

If we neglect to prevent new persons from becoming victims, human trafficking will never end.
If we forget to honor the work of prevention volunteers, we are doing our children and communities a disservice.
If we omit to honor the work of prevention advocates equally with other anti-trafficking work,
we are not taking prevention seriously.

Survivors repeatedly tell us
how important prevention education is, and how it would have helped them avoid the tricks that trapped them into being trafficked. 

We Listen.

At Wisdom International WE ARE

focused and committed to Prevention Before Harm as our philosophy and response to human trafficking.

delivering Prevention Education to your children, communities, and agencies.

Survivor-informed, Trauma-informed, Tribal-informed.

with our Partners on their projects, and they on ours, to end this crime from all angles.

Human trafficking is a preventable crime,

and prevention education is integral to ending it.

We offer you


education to end human trafficking.


“ You may choose to look the other way,
but you can never again say that you did not know. ”

William Wilberforce, politician, abolitionist 1787


“It was a very good and informative presentation. I think that every school should have a presentation like the one we had. I learned so, so much!”
Freshman Student
Casa Grande High School, 2021
"Laurel is an incredible resource on human trafficking issues. Her passion to educate the public on the exploitation of youth, teens, and indigenous people is contagious. Our group was in awe of her depth of knowledge, presentation... "

"Laurel Botsford has for five semesters given our entire freshman class excellent prevention education on the dangers of human trafficking as part of our Human Interaction class. Her ability to engage students on this topic and her thorough instruction on the intricacies of human trafficking, on recruitment and on how students can..."
Lynne Moquete
M.P.H., Mom,
Department Chair Human Interaction, Casa Grande High School, 2018-2021
"When it comes to human trafficking prevention education, Laurel is extremely informed, engaging, and professional. The instruction she provided for staff and volunteers thoroughly prepared us to recognize the signs of trafficking and what to do in the immediate as well as in the long run. This is critical to our work with children, teens, and transition age youth who are in the child welfare and foster care systems..."

Robyn Roberts
Executive Director,
Marin CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates, 2019